CE Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I earn CE Credits on Financial Advisor’s website?
A: You can earn CE credits by reading articles in Financial Advisor magazine's print and online versions, attending our live webcasts and in-person or virtual conference sessions. Please visit our CE Center to take a CE exam.
Q: Does Financial Advisor magazine report to the CFP Board, I&WI and CFFP that I have met the requirements for CE credits?
A: Financial Advisor magazine provides reports during the first and third week of each month to the CFP Board and to I&WI only. The College for Financial Planning requires advisors to self-report, so please contact CFFP directly.
Q: I’ve completed several CE exams and received certificates from Financial Advisor magazine, but the CFP Board and/or I&WI have not acknowledged my credits yet.
A: It can take up to 10 days after we file our report for these agencies to acknowledge your credits.
Q: How many CE credits can I earn on Financial Advisor's website?
A: You can earn CE credits toward your 30-hour requirement by taking any CE exam that’s available on Financial Advisor’s website.
Q: How do I earn CE credits for attending live webcasts and how long do I have to apply for credits?
A: There are CE Credit reporting instructions on the last slide of the webcast presentation on the day of the event. NOTE: You have 10 days after watching a live webcast to report for credit via our website.