FA News

'Budgetary Crystal Meth' Risks U.S. Haven Status, Gross Says

Pacific Investment Management Co.'s Bill Gross said the U.S. will no longer be first destination of global capital in search of safe returns unless the gap between spending and debt is...

Military Families Short On Financial Advice


Military personnel have a tremendous need for financial planning but little is available on a standardized basis, according to two former military members who are now CFPs.

Top 1% Got 93% Of Income Growth As Rich-Poor Gap Widened

The recovery that officially began in mid-2009 hasn't arrived in most Americans' paychecks, as earnings fell 1...

Cambridge University Considers Bond Issue

Cambridge University said it may sell bonds for the first time in its 800-year history after winning a top credit rating from Moody's Investors Service.

JPMorgan Sued by N.Y. For Fraud Over Mortgage Securities

JPMorgan Chase & Co., the biggest U.S...

Almost 2,400 Millionaires Pocketed Unemployment Benefits

Almost 2,400 people who received unemployment insurance in 2009 lived in households with annual incomes of $1 million or more, according to the Congressional Research Service.

Health-Care Costs Keep 1 In 3 Americans From the Doctor

Health-care costs are keeping patients away from the doctor with about 1 in 3 Americans saying they put off a medical treatment or regular checkup because of the expense.

Did Romney Pay Too Much Federal Tax?

by Eric L. Reiner

Clients may be asking how Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney gets his tax rate to as low as 14.1%-and how you can do the same for them...

Arnott Misses Fundamental Points, Says Folio Investing CEO


Robert Arnott's recent criticism of target-date fund strategies is an "unfortunate" analysis that misses fundamental points, says Folio Investing's CEO Steven M.H. Wallman.

Merrill Lynch Rejected By High Court On Broker Race-Bias Suit

Bank of America Corp.'s Merrill Lynch unit must defend against a race-discrimination lawsuit on behalf of 700 black financial advisors, as the U.S. Supreme Court turned away a company appeal.

Key Morgan Stanley Broker Jumps Over To J.P. Morgan


A top Morgan Stanley broker has switching over to J.P. Morgan Securities, according to Financial Industry Regulatory Authority broker records.

Bernanke Says Fed To Keep Rates Low Even As Growth Rises

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke renewed a pledge to sustain record stimulus even after the U.S...

Stocks Beat Bonds, Commodities With Longest Rally Since 2007

Emerging markets led global stocks to the fourth monthly gain in September, the longest streak since 2007, handing equity investors better returns than bonds, commodities and the dollar and...

FPA Membership Slide Stabilizes


The free fall that FPA membership has been in over the last few years has come to an end and membership numbers have stabilized. New leaders say they are hopeful a turn around is in the offing.

TIPS Show Inflation Alarm Fading As Options Give Fed Time

Bill Gross, who runs the world's biggest bond fund, says the Federal Reserve's open-ended plan to flood the economy with $40 billion a month will ignite inflation...

FPA Offers Discounted Practice Management Services


The Financial Planning Association is teaming up with resource and service providers AnyMeeting, Liberty Publishing and RIA Match to help financial planners strengthen their professional and...

Group Long-Term-Care Policies Disappearing


Employers have fewer and fewer choices for offering long-term-care insurance as a benefit to their employees as more and more companies cease offering policies.

New York Life To Acquire Minority Stake In Cornerstone Capital


New York Life, through its subsidiary Investments Group, agreed on Thursday to acquire a minority stake in Cornerstone Capital Management, Inc...

An Alternative Strategy For Diversification

by Nathan Greenwald

Risk-parity funds attempt to diversify exposure across asset classes with an approach that differs from balanced funds and other diversified mutual funds.