FA News

The Hartford Sues Three For Alleged Information Theft


Three former employees of Woodbury Financial Services Inc...

Workers Need To Save 8X Salary To Retire, Fidelity Says


Fidelity Investments today laid out guidelines to help workers meet their retirement income goals. 

Americans Without Health Insurance Decline

The number of people without health insurance fell last year, as many under the age of 26 took advantage of a provision in President Barack Obama's health-care overhaul allowing them to be...

BNP Paribas Details Plan To Expand U.S. Wealth Management

BNP Paribas SA, France's biggest bank, embarked on a five-year plan to expand services to affluent U.S. clients as the company looks to businesses beyond its core European market for growth.

Fed Seen Starting QE3 While Extending Rate Pledge To 2015

The Federal Reserve is likely to announce a third round of bond purchases tomorrow, according to almost two-thirds of economists in a Bloomberg survey, while also extending the duration of its...

NFP Life Gets New President


Insurance and wealth management services provider National Financial Partners Corp. on Tuesday appointed Anne Long as president of NFP Life.

Morgan Stanley Prevails As MSSB Value Set At $13.5B

Morgan Stanley agreed to buy the rest of its brokerage joint venture from Citigroup Inc. at a fixed price that values the entire unit at $13...

Schwab Launches iPad Mobile Deposits


Schwab brokerage and Schwab Bank clients can now deposit checks remotely by taking a picture of a check with their iPad camera, company officials said. 

Valliere Sees Obama Victory, Fiscal Cliff Fiasco

by Mike Byrnes

Potomac Research Group director Greg Valliere told advisors that President Obama is emerging as the favorite to be re-elected even though former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has some reasons...

UBS Whistle-Blower Secures $104 Million Award From IRS

Bradley Birkenfeld, the former UBS AG banker who went to prison after telling the IRS how the bank helped thousands of Americans evade taxes, secured a whistle-blower award of $104 million.

Judge Dismisses ETF Lawsuit Against ProShares


A class action lawsuit over leveraged and inverse ETFs against ProShares has been dismissed, the company announced today.

Advisor Group Offers Tips To Boost Value


Independent advisors can look forward to continued growth, but firms in this space need to understand the changing factors within the industry and how to respond to them, says a new white paper.

U.S. Rating May Be Cut by Moody's If Debt-to-GDP Not Reduced

The U.S. may lose its top credit rating from Moody's Investors Service unless lawmakers are able to reduce the percentage of debt to gross domestic product during budget negotiations next year.

BlackRock To Cut Some ETF Fees Amid Competition

BlackRock Inc.'s Laurence D...

Bill Gross Sees Higher Long-Term Yields Amid Reflation

Long-term bond yields will be higher than short-term rates in the U.S...

Prudential Targets 19% Returns Outside U.S In 2013

Prudential Financial Inc., the second-largest U.S. life insurer, said it may achieve as much as 19 percent return on equity in its international business as it integrates operations bought in...

Consumer Credit Unexpectedly Falls $3.28B In July

Consumer borrowing in the U.S. unexpectedly decreased in July for the first time in almost a year, restrained by a second straight decline in credit-card debt.

Northwestern Mutual Recruiting Up 13%


Northwestern Mutual has increased its recruitment by 13% over last year, putting the company on target to meets its goal of adding 5,000 representatives and interns by the end of the year.

Fed Stuck At Zero Into 2015 Seen In Swaps, QE Odds Reach 99%

Money market traders see borrowing costs staying at record lows for about three more years as the economic outlook worsens.