FA News

Shrinking Middle Class Sees Obama As More Sympathetic Than Romney

A Pew Research Center report released today says the U.S...

Madoff Trustee's Customer Payment May Reach $2.4 Billion

The trustee liquidating Bernard L. Madoff's bankrupt brokerage won court approval to make a second customer payment that may reach $2...

U.S. Housing Attractive With Overdone Risk Premium, Says Pimco Manager

Assets tied to U.S. housing are attractive with the real-estate market poised to reach a bottom, says a Pimco manager.

Lower Goals Set For PImco's Asset Management Business

Allianz SE, owner of the world's second-biggest asset management business after BlackRock Inc., is trimming targets for that unit as Europe's debt crisis crimps investment returns.

Has Bad Debt Killed Market-Cap Weighted Mutual Funds?

by Maureen Nevin Duffy

New mutual funds shun cap-weightings in favor of GDP weightings, the theory being that holdings should generate revenues for funding growth and paying down debt.

LPL Advisors Get Advice On Social Media

by Mike Byrnes

Financial advisors at LPL Financial's Focus12 conference who have started to use social media received advice on how to take it to the next level.

Existing Home Sales And Median Price Rise

Sales of existing homes climbed in July from an eight-month low, adding to signs U.S. housing may pick up in the second half.

CFP Board Demands Standards For Financial Designations


Due to pervasive financial abuse of America's senior citizens, the CFP Board of Standards is urging standards for financial planning designations -- which now number 140.

U.S. Brokerage Audits Riddled With Deficiencies, Watchdog Finds

U.S. accounting watchdogs said a review of 10 brokerage auditors found they all performed deficient work, and some failed to take required steps to help ensure investors' funds are safeguarded.

Republican Platform Won't Spare Mortgage Tax Deduction Cuts

Republican platform drafters refused to put their party on record for preserving the mortgage-interest deduction.

Pershing Expands Trust Network For Advisors


Pershing is building out the estate planning services it offers broker-dealers and registered investment advisors by adding two major players to its trust platform.

Prudential Joins AIG Taking Variable-Annuity Share From MetLife

Prudential Financial and AIG grabbed a bigger share of the U.S. variable-annuity market as MetLife Inc. reduced sales of the equity-linked retirement products.

Catastrophe Bonds Beating Corporates

Returns on catastrophe bonds are exceeding those on corporate debt by the most in nine months as investors facing record-low yields chase returns detached from economic performance.

Money-Fund War Is Passion For Federated Investors' CEO

Christopher Donahue, CEO of Federated Investors Inc., is sticking up for the family business when he defends money-market funds.

Wall Street Leaderless In Fight Over Rules With Dimon Diminished

Wall Street, reeling from public outrage and increased regulation, is proving incapable of finding a champion to replace sidelined JPMorgan Chase & Co. CEO Jamie Dimon.

Commodities Headed For Bull Market As U.S. Drought Withers Crops

Commodities are poised to enter a bull market led by surging grain futures amid the worst U.S. drought in half a century.

A Retooling FPA Names Schadle To Succeed Tuttle


The FPA has named Lauren Schadle to succeed Marv Tuttle as its CEO and executive director on October 3, immediately following its annual FPA Experience conference in San Antonio.

Napfa Chair-Elect Resigns; Blames Registration Mistake


Advisor Ron Rhoades said he has stepped down as chairman-elect of Napfa because he was late in filing registration papers with the Florida Division of Securities.

Dodd Stresses Need For Financial Regulation


Ex-U.S. Senator Christopher J...

The Patient Manager Sees Fool's Rally


RIA Frank Martin has managed money for more than 40 years and was able to avoid big losses from the dot-com bust of 2000 and the financial crisis of 2008...