FA News

Bridgewater Connecticut Expansion Aided by Millions in Tax Money

Bridgewater Associates, the world's biggest hedge fund, intends to build a $750 million headquarters financed partly with state aid in Stamford, Connecticut.

HSBC, Credit Suisse Sacrifice Employees To U.S., Lawyers Say

Swiss banks are turning over thousands of employee names to U.S. authorities as they seek leniency for their alleged role in helping American clients evade taxes.

Moore Leads Funds Avoiding 'Dead Money' In Selling JPMorgan

Moore Capital Management LLC, the hedge fund that had boosted its JPMorgan Chase & Co...

California's $10 Billion Sale Draws Less Individual Investment

California's largest offering of short-term notes in two years attracted $3.24 billion in orders from individual investors.

Americans' Views on Economy Are Most Pessimistic Since November

Americans this month were the most pessimistic on the economic outlook since late last year as fuel prices rose and unemployment remained elevated.

Variable Annuity Demand To Stay Strong, Says Survey


The demand for variable annuity products is expected to remain strong, and advisors' interest in these vehicles shows no sign of waning despite recent volatility in the VA market, according to a...

Elder Financial Abuse Is An Epidemic


Financial exploitation of seniors is reaching epidemic proportions and seniors do not have the necessary information to fight back, according to a new survey on fraud perpetrated on the elderly.

SEC Charges Denver Firm With $15.7 Million Ponzi Scheme


The SEC today charged a Denver-based company and two Colorado residents with conducting a $15.7 million Ponzi scheme that involved 120 investors nationwide.

Bats Plans Retail Stock Program To Rival NYSE Initiative

Bats Global Markets Inc., the third-largest U.S. stock exchange operator, plans to create a program to draw orders from individuals to one of its two markets.

Wanted: A Financial Savings Game Plan For Pre-Retirees


More Americans are using their long-term savings to pay today's bills and risking a delayed or financially insecure retirement, says Eleanor Blayney, consumer advocate for the CFP Board.

Fed's Dudley Backs Money Fund Rules To Protect U.S. Economy

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York president said new rules are needed to protect the financial system from a run on money-market mutual funds, lending his support to a regulatory overhaul...

Investors Capital Holdings Reports Profit


Investors Capital Holdings Ltd. posted net income of $261,682 for its first quarter ended June 30 compared with a $1.3 million loss for the same period last year, company officials have...

Blackstone's Wien Sees S&P 500 At 1,500 In 2012 On Momentum

The S&P's 500 Index may reach 1,500 this year as the economy picks up momentum in the fourth quarter, according to Byron Wien, vice chairman of Blackstone Group LP's advisory services unit.

Paulson, Soros Lift Gold Pile As Prices Drop Most Since 2008

Billionaire investors George Soros and John Paulson increased their stakes in the biggest exchange-traded fund backed by gold as prices posted the largest quarterly drop since 2008.

Bridgeworth Joins LPL


Bridgeworth Financial, one of largest financial planning firms in Birmingham, Ala., has left Lincoln Financial to join LPL Financial.

Junk-Bond Buyers Plot Escape In Debt Gap

Junk-bond buyers are giving up the most yield in seven months to own the biggest, most-easily traded securities as they increasingly hedge their bets that the three-month rally will continue...

Wells Fargo Fined $6.5M On Brokerage's Mortgage-Backed Derivative Sales


Wells Fargo has agreed to pay $6.5 million to settle SEC charges that its brokerage firm improperly sold mortgage-backed securities to municipalities, non-profits and other customers.

Broker-Dealer Gains $450 Million In AUM


Independent broker-dealer Berthel Fisher & Company Financial Services Inc. has gained $450 million in AUM in a deal that gives it 26 registered representatives from a Dallas broker-dealer.

Independent Advisors Favor Romney, Survey Says


Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is heavily favored among independent financial advisors, with 81% picking the former Massachusetts governor as their candidate of choice, according...