FA News

More Advisors Receptive To Using Social Media


Most financial advisors are "window shoppers" rather than active users regarding social media, but that might be changing.

Russell To Close 25 U.S. ETFs


Russell Investments eliminated speculation late Friday on what it would do with its exchange-traded funds when it announced it would close 25 U.S. ETFs.

Most Cash Since '09 Chases Cheap Tax-Exempts

Municipal securities remain cheap relative to U.S. Treasury debt even with investors directing the most cash since 2009 to tax-exempt bonds in the $3.7 trillion market.

Direxion Latest To Announce It's Closing ETFs


Direxion Shares is closing a total of nine leveraged and inverse ETFs September 5 because they haven't attracted enough assets, the company has announced.

Actuaries Say Retirement Worries Are Increasing


A new Society of Actuaries report shows fewer people expecting to retire.

New Jersey Unemployment Rate Jumps to 35-Year High of 9.8%

New Jersey's unemployment rate jumped to a 35-year high of 9.8 percent in July, the state Labor Department said.

Actor Spars With Pimco On Underwater Mortgages

Actor John Cusack jumps into debate as local governments from New York to California consider plans to seize mortgages and protect their housing markets from homeowner abandonment.

Junk-Bond Sales Soar In U.S. As BofA Sees Bubble

Sales of junk bond in the U.S...

College Football Hall Of Famer Charged With Ponzi Scheme


The SEC has charged a former University of Georgia football coach and ESPN analyst with running an $80 million Ponzi scheme using assets from other coaches and former players.

Bill Would Put Dangerous Weapons In SEC Hands

Congress is already considering new legislation that would grant the Securities and Exchange Commission its latest wish list of much higher financial penalties.

Gold Miners See Fast CEO Departures In Canada

Canada's biggest gold miners are replacing their senior executives at the fastest rate in at least a decade as shareholders demand greater returns.

Bridgewater Connecticut Expansion Aided by Millions in Tax Money

Bridgewater Associates, the world's biggest hedge fund, intends to build a $750 million headquarters financed partly with state aid in Stamford, Connecticut.

HSBC, Credit Suisse Sacrifice Employees To U.S., Lawyers Say

Swiss banks are turning over thousands of employee names to U.S. authorities as they seek leniency for their alleged role in helping American clients evade taxes.

Moore Leads Funds Avoiding 'Dead Money' In Selling JPMorgan

Moore Capital Management LLC, the hedge fund that had boosted its JPMorgan Chase & Co...

California's $10 Billion Sale Draws Less Individual Investment

California's largest offering of short-term notes in two years attracted $3.24 billion in orders from individual investors.

Americans' Views on Economy Are Most Pessimistic Since November

Americans this month were the most pessimistic on the economic outlook since late last year as fuel prices rose and unemployment remained elevated.

Variable Annuity Demand To Stay Strong, Says Survey


The demand for variable annuity products is expected to remain strong, and advisors' interest in these vehicles shows no sign of waning despite recent volatility in the VA market, according to a...

Elder Financial Abuse Is An Epidemic


Financial exploitation of seniors is reaching epidemic proportions and seniors do not have the necessary information to fight back, according to a new survey on fraud perpetrated on the elderly.

SEC Charges Denver Firm With $15.7 Million Ponzi Scheme


The SEC today charged a Denver-based company and two Colorado residents with conducting a $15.7 million Ponzi scheme that involved 120 investors nationwide.